Before and After Weight Loss Goal

Abs Secret Revealed!

How to get abs

I think the most coveted muscle that we all aim to obtain are those ripped washboard abs.  I mean really, who don’t want a nice set of abs?  Women want them and men will do anything to get them. In most cases, persons who want them the most will do probably a 1000 crunches a day every day. Ideally with such a routine you should definitely get them right?
Well if that’s all you do, then you won’t get them. Fact: Everyone already have abs! You can’t see them because they are covered by that stubborn belly fat.
In order for us to see our ab muscles, I must emphasize that a proper diet and a regular cardio routine are the only way.
You must have heard before someone saying that abs are made in the kitchen, what this means folks is that without a proper low fat/low carb diet, YOU WILL NEVER GET A SIX PACK ABS, regardless of how much crunches you do. The mistake most people make is that they convince themselves that if they do enough crunches their belly fat will go away, so they concentrate solely on crunches. Fact # 2: You cannot spot reduce. It is impossible for us to do one exercise with the aim of losing fat in a specific area. That will never work.
Do you really want six pack abs? If yes here some ideas of food you can eat:
·         Almond
·         Eggs
·         Whole Grain products (bread, rich, flour, bagels etc.
·         Leafy vegetables
·         Oatmeal
·         Chicken and lean meat
·         Tuna
·         Salmon

A proper diet combined with 20-45 minutes of cardio 3-4 times week will put you on the right track to get those desired abs. Don’t crunch way into a coma, be determine about what you want, learn what you can and then achieve. We all can get the body we desire but it all comes down to how bad we really want it. That will make the difference as to whether are not we will be successful.

Good luck folks, and remember; the only obstacle in our way is ourselves.

'Before and after weight loss, please remember to maintain a proper diet'


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