Before and After Weight Loss Goal

What Are Calories?

learn about calories

We are always hearing about how much calories we should eat and the dos and donts of calorie consumption. But do we really know what calories are?  Let’s take a step back and find out.
The first thing we should all know is that calorie does not mean fat. Calorie is actually a unit of energy. Our bodies need the energy provided by calories to do everything, event to breathe. The importance and benefits of calories have been overshadowed by weight gain and obesity turning the very thought of calories into the most hated criminal. Calories are not to be blamed for weight gain, it’s because we overdose our daily caloric intake why we get fat but that’s another article.

Let get back to Calories
The amounts of calories in foods are determined by the amount of potential energy one can obtain by eating it. To make it simpler, a gram of carbohydrates has 4 calories, a gram of protein has 4 calories and a gram of fat has 9 calories.

 Think about it for a bit, have you ever gotten tired or fatigue when you haven’t eaten for a long time? Do you know anyone or have you ever passed out from being hungry? Both those instances are directly related to the body not having enough energy to go on. Maybe in those cases you were on an extreme low calorie diet because you’re trying to lose weight as fast as possible for some big event. Folks, that’s dangerous.  Just how a car cannot run without gas, our bodies cannot function without adequate calories. Never forsake your caloric needs for better body because you will end up in the ER. Calories are an important aspect of our everyday life and we need to make certain that we eat enough GOOD CALORIES especially if you’re working out.

Hopefully I have helped you understand just a bit about calories. Let me know if you have any questions.Before and After

'Before and after weight loss, please remember to maintain a proper diet'


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