Before and After Weight Loss Goal

Henry Sambrooke Leigh

If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner.


About 100 years ago an agricultural chemist by the name of Wilbur O. Atwate was one of the first persons to workout calories in food. As mention before in another article , calorie is define as a unit of energy. What  Wilbur articulated was that the amount of calories contained within a certain food is determined by the amount of energy it gives off if you burn it! Nutritionally speaking, 1 calorie is defined as 1,000 times the energy ...

Josh Peck Weight Loss Before and After- Celebrity Spotlight

The former co-star from the nickelodeon hit show ‘Drake and Josh’ has made some serious improvements to his body. Yes folks, he has last the weight! Josh Peck starred alongside Drake Bell as the slightly overweight step brother. A few years later, he emerged in Red Dawn appearing completely slimmed down after losing somewhere around 100LBS!!! AWESOME JOB JOSH!! How did he do it? Sources revealed that Josh hired ...

Workout Music


5 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Lose Weight

Weight loss can be difficult when you are just starting out. I remember numerous trials and errors as I tried to figure out how this thing works. Having passed through all of that, I surmised below my personal 5 best weight loss tips for easy weight loss. See for your self:...

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

A few years ago, a friend of mine came to me and asked me if something was wrong with him. So, naturally being ambushed with that question I asked him what he meant. He said that regardless of how hard he worked out and how much he dieted, he is not losing weight. I found that strange to believe because at the time I was just getting into the whole health and fitness lifestyle, and I thought we all were on the same playing field when it...

Before and After Weight Loss

The most exciting moment for anyone following a workout program is at the point, where they take their last picture after months of working out and compare it to their day one photo. It is at that moment where you realize how much you have changed. Everything that you did towards your sculpted body achievement (counting calories, ignoring food temptation, working out, drinking that abundance of water etc.) all played a part in your success...

Weight Loss Stories by Real People

Here some stories from real people just like you, who have dedicated themselves to their weight loss goal and created their own before an after weight loss stories. Hope they help keeping you motivated.  It's Possible!  500 lb Weight Loss! Amazing! There are so many others like you out there trying to lose weight. You are not alone, Thousands of people are sweating right now from a workout and thousands of people are...

The Easiest Way lose Weight

Losing weight can be a burden some task, however here is a simple method to lose weight. If you eat 500 calories less than your accustomed to everyday, you will be able to lose 1lb of fat per week without even  working out. of fat is approximately 3500 calories , so by creating that 500 calories a day deficit, YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT. 'Before and after weight loss, please remember to maintain a proper diet...

How to lose weight fast

There are numerous persons out there who want to lose weight fast. Some person are successful some are not. Ideally it is recommended that we lose 1-2lbs of fat per week to stay on the healthy and consistent side. But what do you do when you want to lose 2-4lbs of fat per week, because of some upcoming even...

Abs Secret Revealed!

I think the most coveted muscle that we all aim to obtain are those ripped washboard abs.  I mean really, who don’t want a nice set of abs?  Women want them and men will do anything to get them. In most cases, persons who want them the most will do probably a 1000 crunches a day every day. Ideally with such a routine you should definitely get them right?...

Things You Can Eat

Having trouble figuring out what to eat? Here are some great ideas: Vegetables Cooked vegetables (carrots, broccoli, zucchini, cabbage, etc.) Raw vegetables or salad greens Vegetable juice Fat-Free and Very Low-Fat Milk Milk, fat-free or 1% fat Yogurt, plain nonfat or low-fat Yogurt, artificially sweeten...

Excercise Boast Your Sex Life!

For all those person asking about exercise and sex life , the answer is YES! Working will boast your libido and if your a man it will definitely enhance your performance making the stallion in you more predominant as ever. Well there's the answer to the question. 'Before and after weight loss, please remember to maintain a proper di...

What Are Calories?

We are always hearing about how much calories we should eat and the dos and donts of calorie consumption. But do we really know what calories are?  Let’s take a step back and find out. The first thing we should all know is that calorie does not mean fat. Calorie is actually a unit of energy. Our bodies need the energy provided by calories to do everything, event to breathe. The importance and benefits of calories have been overshadowed...

Height to Weight Chart

This chart will provide you with an idea of the healthy ranges that you should be in. All you need is your height and weight. Let us know if your are or your thoughts, comment below. 'Before and after weight loss, please remember to maintain a proper diet'...

Food Temptation and Weight Loss

The hardest aspect of any weight loss program is THE DIET. Regardless of where you are in life one thing remains the same: ANYTHING THAT’S WORTH IT WILL NEVER BE EASY TO OBTAIN. Lets look at the facts:         Depending on your body type, a single cupcake could be equivalent to 30 minutes on a treadmill.          Sweet sugary snacks are the arch nemesis of 6 pack...